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Controls for the State’s Incurrence of the Zakat and Income Tax arising from the Investment in Sukuk and Government Bonds

13 Mar 2019

Based on the Council of Ministers Decision No. (163) on (19/03/1440 AH) stating the State’s incurrence of the zakat and income tax arising from the investment in Sukuk and government bonds, which contains the Minister of Finance’s authorization to determine the controls for this incurrence.

The Decision No. (2218) on (07/07/1440 AH) was issued by His Excellency the Minister of Finance to charge the State with the zakat and income tax arising from the investment in the Sukuk and government bonds that are locally issued by the Ministry of Finance in Saudi Riyals. This incurrence applies on the fiscal years beginning on and after the date (01/01/2019), in accordance with the controls specified in the Ministerial Decree.

The Dec​ision’s